
Monday 8 June 2015

Important Centennial News

Dear Centennial Action Committee, 
Multiple District and District Centennial Coordinators, 
This is the inaugural edition of the Centennial Celebration Coordinator News email, a bi-monthly communication designed to keep you informed about all things related to the centennial. 
As we continue preparations and move forward on the implementation phase of our celebration, please be sure to refer to the Lions100.org web site for information on a regular basis.  This site will be invaluable to you as both a source of information and inspiration. 
Lead Through Service 
Community service is at the heart of our organization.  It's what we do.  It's what we have always done.  And it will remain our focus as we move forward into our next 100 years.  That is why service is at the forefront of our centennial celebration.  
The Centennial Service Challenge was launched at the 2014 International Convention in Toronto.  The goal is to impact the lives of 100 million people worldwide in the areas of youth, vision, hunger relief and improving the environment.  In just the first nine months, Lions of the world have reported service to 32 million people under the challenge.  That is an amazing achievement, and a great start to our service challenge.  As centennial coordinators, you can view the activities and progress of clubs on the MyLCI section of the LCI web site.  We want every club to reach the diamond level.  What's the diamond level?  In order to qualify for a patch, clubs must report their centennial service challenge activities via the Service Activity Report on MyLCI by July 15 of each year. 
Invite For Impact 
This year, our membership grew to 1.4 million.  That's a remarkable achievement.  As the needs of our communities continue to escalate, we must continue to grow our membership to meet those needs.   More importantly, if we look at the 32 million people whose lives have been touched so far, that means each Lion has benefitted 23 people in need.  Imagine how many more millions of people we can help if each club had just one more Lion!  The Centennial Celebration Membership Awards provide all Lions and Lions clubs the opportunity to earn special Limited Edition awards for inviting new members and helping to organize new clubs.   You can support the Global Membership Team by encouraging Lions and clubs to in this important centennial program.  Offer your assistance to your MD-GMT and/or your District GMT to help promote the Centennial Celebration Membership Awards Program. 
Promote Our Centennial 
Centennial Grants - Multiple districts may qualify for a centennial grant.  The grants are based on the equation of up to US$1500 per district (but not to exceed US$15,000) for multiple districts or up to US$2500 for single districts (districts not part of a multiple).  Grant applications will be available for download from the Lions100.org web site after July 1st of this year.  Only one grant will be approved per multiple or single district over the remaining three year period of the centennial celebration.  Grants are restricted to centennial celebrations and activities. 
Are you attending the International Convention in Honolulu?  If you are, please plan to attend the centennial seminar entitled "How Will YOU Celebrate?"  The seminar is scheduled for Saturday, June 26th, from  1400 to 1500 in the Lili'u theater in the convention center.  
Other centennial activities in Honolulu include: 
A centennial celebration segment during the first plenary session
A centennial booth in the convention hall with games and prizes
Centennial related advertising around Honolulu
You will also notice centennial signage on booths located throughout the convention hall. 
Test your Lions history knowledge!  Answers to the following questions can be found somewhere within the Lions100.org web site.  Good luck!!  Answers will be provided in the next issue of Centennial Celebration News. 
1.  What was Melvin Jones' professional occupation? 
2.  What was the name of Melvin Jones' first wife? 
3.  What year was the LION Magazine started? 
4.  What year did Helen Keller challenge Lions to become "knights of the blind?" 

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